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We offer all of these services on an hourly basis
Cash Flow & Balance Sheet PlanningFinancial Goal Setting Net Worth Calculations Current Cash Inflow/Outflow Analysis Budget Development & Implementation
Retirement PlanningRetirement Savings/Accumulation Retirement Spending/Decumulation Retirement Vehicle Selection
Investment PlanningAsset Allocation Portfolio Construction Investment Selection Annuities Review
Tax PlanningTax Strategies Tax Projections/Modeling Tax Withholding Analysis
Executive Compensation PlanningStock Concentration Analysis & Diversification Planning Cost Basis Research Public Company Stock Option Modeling/Restricted Stock Analysis Private Company Stock Option Modeling/Restricted Stock Analysis Deferred Compensation Election Planning
Estate PlanningBeneficiary Review Asset/Liability Summary Report Bequest Planning Implementation Assistance
Insurance Planning/Risk ManagementProperty & Casualty Liability Health Life Disability Long-Term Care
Stock Option Modeling/OptimizationDo you receive stock options (NQs and/or ISOs) from your company and aren't quite sure what to do with them? Let us analyze them and provide some alternatives that coincide with your financial goals.
Restricted Stock PlanningDo you receive restricted stock as part of your long-term incentive with your company? Do you have a plan for its various vesting periods? Let us help you take a big picture view of this benefit and develop a plan for it that matches your financial goals.
Deferred Compensation OptimizationDoes your company offer a deferred compensation plan and if so, are you taking full advantage of it? Have you structured the deferral amounts and distribution elections (in-service and termination) to match your goals? Let us analyze your plan and make sure you are making the proper choices each year.
Stock Concentration AnalysisThrough employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs), stock options, and restricted stock, and/or other accounts, is a large part of your asset allocation invested in your company's stock? Let us help you determine the amount your company's stock represents of your entire investment portfolio and develop plans for better diversifying it.
Cost Basis Research & DetailHave you been purchasing ESPP shares for years but haven't kept the cost bases for these purchases? Do you know the cost basis of stock options you've exercised over the years? Let us help you research and organize those cost bases. Once organized, we will even send it to your brokerage account(s) so it will be stored electronically there going forward so you don't need to worry about it in the future, particularly when it's time to sell those investments.
Estate Planning PreparationDo you need to create your Will (or Trust) but don’t know where to begin? Or is your current Will (or Trust) in need of an update? Let us help you organize your assets, accounts, beneficiary designations, etc. and/or review your current plan so that you have everything in order when you meet with your estate planning attorney.
Estate Planning ImplementationDo you need help updating your account beneficiaries, retitling your assets and/or consolidating accounts after finalizing your estate plan? Let us help you with these time-consuming and tedious tasks.
Estate Settlement AssistanceAre you the executor of a loved-one’s estate? The estate settlement process can be long and arduous in the best of times, but is particularly challenging when you are grieving the loss of your family member. Let us help you manage the process and complete many of the tedious, time-consuming steps.
Investment ImplementationWhether implementing changes in your 401(k), IRA or taxable account, we walk you through these changes step-by-step.
Executive Compensation ImplementationExercising stock options can be complex, so we do this with you.
Estate Planning ImplementationRetitling your financial accounts to coincide with your estate plan can be extremely tedious, challenging and time-consuming, so we help you with every step of this process.
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